Donnerstag, 5. August 2010

Riding a bus in Berlin

Riding a bus in Berlin is a real great adventure. The bus drivers are known for their friendliness they always have a smile on their face and they answer your question with the most polite voice you could possibly think of. They drive through the city with a moderate speed so you don't have to hang on for dear life when they have to use the breaks when another berliner gentleman accidently (of course) passes very close to the bus. The occupants of the bus all use deodorant and shower on a daily base so you are not bothered with the smell from hell like in other parts of the world. They would also never try to get in front of you even when they were behind you in the line. People in Berlin always let people get of the bus first before they try to get in. There is so much culture and good manners here in Berlin always.....Wait, can anyone tell me, what is wrong with my story????

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