Samstag, 14. August 2010

German google streetview paranoia

Last week google announced that google streetview Germany would be online later this year. Since then hell broke loose on the media. Something I can not understand at all. The german secretary of consumer protection, Ilse Aigner, seems to be on a personal crusade against google and other politicians assist her.
I can understand that people in this country are more sensitive with their private data because of 2 undemocratic regimes within the last 80 years which misused personal information in the most disgusting ways posssible. Google also has to hand in the personal wifi-data it collected. Besides that, every German got the right to object the publishing of the streetview fotos of the own house. That is something unique to Germany. Other countries just didn't care. Every other european country west of Germany has google streetview. What happened there? Do any numbers show that in these countries the burglaries skyrocketed beause thieves can now plan the escape routes when they rob a house? And why does Heinz Müller from Recklinghausen think that someone could be interested in his neat garden full of lawn gnomes or the wonderful homemade bobbin lace curtains...
The most ridicoulus thing i heard was a politician who said he has a friend in France and he could see on streetview that he didn't trim his bushes right so the next thing he did was to call him and tell him that. Aaaarghhhh...Congratulations Germany, these are the leaders you have!!!! The saddest thing is that these politicians inspire the paranoia of internet-resitant pensioners and they actually don't really know what they are talking about because grandson Kevin, Norman or Justin never shows them anything on the computer. The only thing he does is playing violent computer games. Something else that has to be prohibited!!! Hey Germany why don't you make a law against life? It is totally dangerous and you have a 100% death rate. That can't be tolerated in this country!!!!
Here in Germany you normally focus on the negative aspects of something new. Even if the positive aspects outperform the negative 99 to 1. There is a possible chance that something really bad can happen and so we have to fight it.
Germany has the best economic growth since 1990 now, does that make anyone happy??? Waewaewae... it won't be long and i don't feel anything in my pocket of this. Everything just gets more expensive, health insurance, food, etc.
Why do people have to complain all the time here? It makes me really depressed. Look arround people, we have the best living standard of all times in this country. Sure, we have problems but what about doing something against it and not just complain and complain and complain.
Enough negative things said. I am very happy that google streetview will come to Germany. I am looking forward to walk through streets i never were before and maybe never will be. It is fun to see and learn something new. Don't be so small-minded Germany, let something new come to your life.

Samstag, 7. August 2010

Complains, complains, complains

Today I had to work from 9 to 4 pm and of course there are nicer things than getting up on a saturday and head to work while most of the people still sleep or enjoy the weekend.

It takes like 45 minutes to go to work and I felt kind of lonely at my station with just arround 5-6 other people. On a monday or tuesday it would be like 10 times more.

Besides that I was in a pretty good mood untill I arrived at work. The two women who had to work, too welcomed me with a great look on their face. You could see the passion and the joy like it would be christmas day in august. Groaning alternated with constant cpmplains about the wheather, neighbors, public transportations, how awful it is to have to work on a weekend day, what a disgrace it is that the company asks you to do that, how limited the technical capabilities are to do your work etc., etc. They also had the time to discuss private problems which made me think: Your job can't be so bad if you have the time to have so many private conversations. I kind of could not really focus on my schedule for the day.
What is wrong with these people??? At one point I made the mistake and said in the most joky way I could how I was in a good mood before I came to work. Mistake!!! Big mistake!!!! I now know that they both can't stand people which take life as easy as I do. I must have never had real problems otherwise I couldn't talk like that. Yeahh bi.. what do you know about me and my life!!! Thank god, work is over, tomorrow i have a day off and on monday there are more people at work and more people I like. It is hard to stand this depressed attitude towards life and especially work here in Germany. Not that it couldn't be like that in other places on this planet but sometimes I think my countrymen (or women) upgrade this to a whole other level.

Donnerstag, 5. August 2010

Riding a bus in Berlin

Riding a bus in Berlin is a real great adventure. The bus drivers are known for their friendliness they always have a smile on their face and they answer your question with the most polite voice you could possibly think of. They drive through the city with a moderate speed so you don't have to hang on for dear life when they have to use the breaks when another berliner gentleman accidently (of course) passes very close to the bus. The occupants of the bus all use deodorant and shower on a daily base so you are not bothered with the smell from hell like in other parts of the world. They would also never try to get in front of you even when they were behind you in the line. People in Berlin always let people get of the bus first before they try to get in. There is so much culture and good manners here in Berlin always.....Wait, can anyone tell me, what is wrong with my story????