Dienstag, 23. August 2011

bank card theft

Today I want to tell you what happened to my girlfriend and me. I now believe that this is a major crime since you can read about it in newspapers today and within the last days. I am not sure if the article at the end of my post has something to do with what happened to us but it is possible. To be very direct: WE GOT ROBBED !!!!! Let me tell you the story:
We have a shared account for our rent, gas, electricity, groceries, etc. and a few weeks ago we ordered a new bank card for my gf. The letter with the pin number for the first one never arrived and so we had to order another bank card and another pin number for her. We knew we wouldn't be home when the mail arrives because we attended a wedding and visited my parents in the south of Germany. But we had our good friend and neighbor watching our cat and taking care of our mailbox.

The day after we returned it was my birthday and we went out for lunch. At the end we wanted to pay but my card was denclined. By then we didn't think something bad had happened. We also went to the grocery store to buy some things for a little gathering for my birthday the same night. I tried to get cash out with my card at a Postbank atm but I didn't get any, it just said the balance isn't enough to give me money. I was very confused and told my gf that I would go to the Deutsche Bank were we have our account. Together with the woman working there I found out that the account had been emptied the same day, just some 3 hours before with my gf's new bank card. Now I knew that something bad had happened because I was together with my gf the whole morning and even if this would have just been a misunderstanding, she couldn't have emptied the account since she also never got her card in the first place.
To make a long story short. I don't know what exactely happened but someone stole her bank card and the letter with the pin number and took all the money. Thank god it happened after the rent was taken out and the bills were paid so the amount wasn't that big.
I don't have to be so detailed but I can tell you (if someone would think that) that we have 100% evidence that it wasn't our neighbor and friend who took care of our mail box. By the way she also got robbed in the same way and the little research I did in our house showed that the same thing happened to 4 other people in our building since june. Also Bahn-Cards, Health Insurance cards and letters with money in it went missing. The whole house now speculates if we have 1.) a "nice" neighbor, 2.) someone comes in and takes the stuff out of the mailbox, 3.) all these things never arrived here (indicating that someone from Deutsche Post must be involved).

Deutsche Bank told me that they sent the bank card the day we returned from the south. The next day, my birthday, the mail arrived like always arround 11 am and at 11:11 am the account was emptied at the next possible atm some 2 minutes away from us. At least in my case I would say that shows it it likely to be #1 or #2. But the other affected people in our house never saw anything strange or anything at all. This makes everything very very odd.

Well, Deutsche Bank, or their insurance, will give us back our money. We had to file an official police report and let me tell you neither the police nor Deutsche Bank seemed to be very enthusiastic in their attempt to help us. Okay, I get it the Berlin government massively cut spending for the police within the last years but why did the 2 other officers in the room have to throw paper balls at each other while I filed my report?
I am also not happy at all about the service at Deutsche Bank. No one told us what to do or what will happen next. They just started to care when I firmly told them that I am very angry about the bad service and I would think about closing the account. I choose Deutsche Bank because they have a reputation and for that I pay Kontofuehrungsgebuehren (don't get my gf started about that). But if the service is worse or the same than at other banks why should we continue to pay that and keep the account? I don't know why you almost always have to threaten service people here in Germany before they take action. Another sad example for the Service-Wueste (service dessert).

The system banks send out the cards and pin numbers is also very unsafe and old fashioned. The data protection people (Bundesamt fuer Datenschutz) focus on facebook and google street view for months and tell us how awful it is, but there is no action from them when it gets really dangerous and when they should be doing something like here. Odd priorities in this country!!!!

I can just warn you to be very careful. I hope something changes soon. It can't go on like this anymore.

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