Donnerstag, 10. März 2011

German Ways Part 1: Fasching

OMG, it is already march and I realized that this is my first post this year. I don't know what is more stunning for me. It was a very busy start of the year and so I was never really in the mood to sit down and do my blog obligations. Well let me have a very late new years resolution to blog more often.

I want to start a new series about different topics that bother me here in my strange Nativeland. Since the peak of German fun and humour (Fasching, Karneval, etc. and please notice the irony!!!) isn't over very long, I thought I would start with it. Living in Berlin has many advantages, one is that Fasching does not exist here and you are not bothered. Since I am from the south I can not say that about the first part of my life.

I have to tell you, I really hate it. The parades are boringly the same every year, the word hellau makes me sick after I hear it more than 10 times (and that means I am really sick) the candy is awful and don't get me started with the TV coverage of the so called Prunksitzungen. Overweight Men dress like women and do ballet dancing, people talk about their stool samples or do slapstick and the audience laughs like crazy of course just after the fanfare. When it is very very haha funny then they do the fanfare 3 times in a row (Is this what people mean when they say Germans don't have a sense of humour??? It would make sense when you have to give them a signal when to laugh!!!

These funny people are the same who have google street view paranoia, they fight with the neighbours about the height of the hedge or scream at children when they dare to interrupt the Mittagsruhe. They have no sense of humour in the daily life and are angry grumpy grandpas in normal life or even worse tell you how to cross a street or that you have to slow down with your bike, car, etc.

Fasching seems very German to me. Everything has to be organized, even the fun part. What is your opinion about Fasching???? I can't wait untill november 11 at 11.11 am (hahaha how very funny) when the next 5th seasons starts.

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